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Writer's pictureContenia Ruffin

You Are a Gift

I love giving and receiving gifts. Who doesn't like receiving gifts? When a gift is given, especially when it is unexpected, it brings so much joy to both the recipient and the giver.

Have you ever considered that you are a gift that has been placed here to be given to the world? Most people only think that they have gifts on the inside of them, and that's true. However, you are the most precious gift.

Now I know you've thought this once or twice. You've probably also said it a few times or two. When your significant other, friends, co-workers, or even family members don't show you the necessary appreciation you know you deserve, you think to yourself, Do they not recognize what/who they have among them? I will admit most people don't realize what they have until it's gone. It's not your place to help them recognize who you are. It's your place to live out who you are, and know that you are a GIFT.

You've been given the gift of being on earth for a reason and a purpose. God has made you to be a GIFT to the world…to your family…to your co-workers …to your friends. GIFT is an acronym for Grace, Influence, Fierce & Wonderfully Made, and Talented.

Grace – Ephesians 2:8, 2 Corinthians 12:9

  • God's grace has been made perfect for you. The only requirement is that you receive it. You can't work for grace; grace is received. God's grace is his unmerited favor. You can't earn grace. He gives it to you as a gift. In 1 Corinthians 15:9-10, Paul talks about how he was the least of all because of his past, but God's grace overlooked his past and gave him a bright future. A future that was grounded in God and filled with destiny and purpose. Your future is filled with destiny and purpose.

Influence – Matthew 5:16

  • God has given you the ability to influence others through the light that he has placed in you. You are the salt of the earth. If there is no salt, there is no flavor or influence. If your world is not lining up, change what you say. Your words have influence.

Fierce & Wonderfully-Made – Psalm 139:14

  • The word fierce means ferocious and forceful, like a lion. It means strong and ready to roar. The lion of Judah is on the inside of you and is ready to roar. You've been created in the image of God. He knew you when you were in your mother's womb. You have been set apart. You are not average.

Talented – Matthew 25:14-26

  • You have been given a talent – some one, some two, some more – the question is what are you doing with your talent? Talent is always connected to your purpose.

God wants you to live a life filled with abundance and overflow – an abundance of peace, joy, love, prosperity, health, and wholeness. What are you waiting for? Embrace your season of life and know that you are a GIFT.

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